Resume Buku 1
The discussion of this book starts from chapter I regarding Primary Definitions. In this section, Economics is defined as economics as the science of wealth, which is the material objects owned by humans. Wealth is characterized by two important attributes: existence material and mastery. Wealth is categorized into three main types: real property, commodities, and people, with special emphasis on money as a common commodity received in exchange. It is explained that value is the price of an item multiplied by j the number. This leads to a discussion of property rights, which are rights over the benefits of wealth, and how these rights can be measured in abstract units. Difference between property rights and certificates of those rights are also highlighted, with the certificate being written evidence of these rights. Next, the relationship between wealth, property and benefits is explained over time, distinguishing between stock (the amount on hand at a certain time) and flow (the amount produced, consumed, transported, or exchanged over a period of time). This difference applied to concepts such as capital and income, with capital being a stock of goods and income becomes the flow of benefits from that capital.
The next discussion relates to the concept of the purchasing power of money in relation to the equation of exchange, which is a basic principle in economics. This principle is important for understand how changes in the money supply, its speed of circulation, and volume the trade affects the price level and, consequently, the purchasing power of money. The explanation explains that the purchasing power of money is determined by the amount of other goods it can buy with a certain amount of money, which is inversely proportional to the price level. This relationship is reflected in the equation of exchange, which states that the total amount of money exchanged with charcoal in an economy is equal to the total value of the goods. This equation is a mathematical representation of the quantity theory of money, which highlights that inflation is directly proportional with changes in the money supply and that the demand for money has two components: pa request to use in a transaction and a request to save money for its liquidity.
Next the author explains the nature of bank deposit currency, or circulating credit, and pits influence on the equation of exchange, which in turn affects purchasing power. It is said that essentially the concept of bank deposits is a creditor's claim against a bank, which allows them to withdraw a certain amount of money on demand. it is emphasized that bank checks, which are certificates of the right to withdraw bank deposits, bis not the currency itself but represents the currency. The explanation is further explore banking mechanisms, including the transfer of bank deposits by check, the concept of "credit bcirculated," and the role of banks in providing loans and managing deposits. In this section jalso described the dual nature of banking operations, distinguishing between two types of currency:
bank notes, which are considered money, and bank deposits, which are not money but bserves as a substitute. This distinction is important for understanding the classification of goods broader into three categories: money, currency deposits (or deposits), and all goods other. There is a relationship between the amount of money in circulation (M) and the amount of bank deposits (M'), highlighting that changes in M require proportional changes in M' to maintain a stable ratio.
To continue the discussion in this section, we will discuss the impact of bank deposits to the amount of money in circulation during the transition period. This chapter emphasizes that during a normal ratio is maintained between bank deposits and money in circulation, the presence of deposits bank does not interfere with the effect of money on prices. It was emphasized that changes in Trading speed has a consistent impact on price, regardless of whether deposits are made bank was included in the analysis. During the transition period, the relationship between money and deposits not stiff. The dynamic nature of the exchange mechanism, where each disturbance in one parts of the system affect all components during the transition period. Next, it is discussed how sudden changes in the quantity of money can cause price oscillations before there ended up doubling the price and adjusting the interest rate as a response on price movements and the consequences of interest rate behavior on economic stability during the transition period.
In this section the author focuses on the indirect influence on purchasing power, with a focus pthere are factors that influence price levels through trading volume, speed circulation of money and deposits, as well as the amount of money and deposits. This influence acts as Intermediaries that influence prices indirectly, with various external factors that influence prices through these primary influences. This section aims to identify and discuss the main outside influences that affect trading volume and then influence the price level. In addition, it is explained how the number increases money or bank deposits, together with the speed of their circulation, affect the price level. It emphasizes that the introduction of bank deposits tends to increase prices, causing the process of tracking the influence of the amount of money on general prices becomes more complex. Expanding the monetary circulation equation to include deposit circulation complicates things The direct influence that the quantity of money has on prices makes the analysis possible more complicated and challenging. This chapter also discusses the interaction between outstanding and potential credit their effect on the equation of exchange, adding a layer of complexity to the understanding about the dynamics of purchasing power during the transition period.
Still a continuation of the explanation from the previous chapter, this chapter will discuss influence indirectly to the amount of money (M) in the exchange equation. This discusses external factors that influence the amount of money, such as interest rates and crises, and bhow does this influence the volume of trade, the speed of money circulation and deposits, as well as the amount of deposits. This chapter categorizes these external influences that influence jamounts of money and emphasize their role in shaping overall purchasing power dynamics during the transition period. In addition, Chapter VI highlights the complexity of the monetary system with examine how external factors influence the amount of money and thereby impact it price. This emphasizes the importance of understanding indirect influences on the amount of money to understand the broader implications for purchasing power dynamics and economic stability. By investigating the main influences from outside that influence the amount of money inside equivalent of exchange, this chapter provides valuable insight into the complex relationship between The various factors that shape the monetary system and their impact on prices.
This section illustrates the influence of the monetary system, specifically focusing on concepts Gresham's law, on the purchasing power of money. Gresham's Law states “bad money will replace good money," which in practice means that cheaper money will replace more expensive money. This principle has its roots in the historical use of precious metals as currency, where cheaper metals would be preferred for transactions, thereby dominating over more expensive metals. The explanation further explores the implications of Gresham's Law for bimetallicity, a monetary system that involves the use of two metals (for example, gold and silver) as the basis of a country's currency. It discusses how bimetallicity can function in some circumstances but in no other way, highlights the challenges and limitations of this system, including the operation of Gresham's Law, which can lead to the dominance of cheaper metals and the eventual monometallization of the system. The explanation also touches on the historical and practical aspects of bimetallics, including their failures and the reasons behind them, such as operation Gresham's Law, speculation, and the difficulty in keeping the market rate equal to the garden ratio. Despite its ultimate failure, the bimetallic legacy remains valuable for understanding the evolution of monetary systems and the dynamics of currency values and purchasing power. In addition, there is the concept of “limping standards”which appears as results of the transition from bimetallic to monometallic standards, particularly focused on the United States and France. Bimetallic is a system in which both gold and silver are used as legal tender, practiced in many countries, including France and America Union, until finally it was abandoned on a large scale. The explanation is exploratory the historical and economic implications of this transition, highlighting how printing presses closed for one of the metals (usually silver) causes a situation where the coin is left over from the metal It remains in circulation along with other metals (gold), despite additional amounts of metal those excluded were minted coins. This situation results in differences in value between the metals raw materials and coins of excluded metals, with such coins being overvalued. It is argued that there is potential for irredeemable banknotes to circulate alongside money it's different if the quantity is limited and not too unpopular, as well as the concept of a gold exchange standard as a partial solution to maintain parity with gold without the need to own gold in circulation. Historical examples are given, such as the case of France and the Latin Union, illustrates the complexities and challenges in maintaining bimetallic standards or impotent in practice.
The next section explains the Quantity Theory of Money (QTM), which states that the general price level of goods and services in an economy is directly proportional with the money supply, assuming the real level of output and the velocity of money circulation are constant. This theory is represented in the equation MV=PT, where M represents the money supply, V is velocity of money circulation (how fast money circulates in the economy), P is the price level average, and T is the transaction volume. QTM propositions that prices vary with money only applies when comparing two imaginary periods in which prices are fixed or moving at the same speed. During the transition period, an increase in the money supply (M) can cause effects not only on prices but also on all other magnitudes within pexchange equivalents, including deposits (M'), speed of money circulation (V and V'), and trading volume (Q'). The velocity of circulation of money (V and V') can move in different directions bresistance during times of panic, causing stockpiling and a decrease in circulation speed Money. An increase in the money supply during a period of rising prices can stimulate trading volume (Q'), while a decrease in M can cause the opposite effect, reducing trading volume and speed of money circulation. The explanation also discusses effects pchanges in deposits (M') and velocity (V and V') of money supply and prices, stressed that these changes could have a significant impact on the economy. Fischer said that by strengthening the validity of QTM, it states that variations in money (M) produces a normally proportional change in price, but admits bthat this relationship is not absolute during the transition period. Fisher introduced the concept of "price index" as a practical necessity resulting from dispersion price. This price index simplifies the statistical study of general price movements with turns the right side of the exchange equation, which consists of thousands of terms, into one single term. The reciprocal of this price index indicates the purchasing power of money. Explanation It also describes price variability, price adjustments to changes psupply of money, and the impact of legal and customary restrictions on price adjustments. It is explained that there are three main reasons for depression, namely: many prices are limited by previous contracts, legal restrictions, or customary practices, which limit their abilities to adjust freely in response to market forces. Some prices are close related to the value of the money metal (gold or silver), which can influence their movement. Each individual price is subject to unique variations influenced by offer conditions and phis specific request. So as to summarize the general movement of prices and trading in one figure, the concept of price index (P) for price and trade index (T) for trading volume introduced. The last few sections of this paper focus on the concept of index numbers for purchasing power, Fisher explores the complexity and diversity of index numbers, highlighting its possibilities unlimited in its forms and the importance of choosing the right elements for each purpose Specific. He emphasized the need for index numbers to be adaptable for various purposes, e.g measure capital, income, or the general level of prices. Fisher also discussed internal challenges building index numbers that accurately reflect changes in the purchasing power of money, considering the complex interaction of various economic factors.
Fisher introduced the idea of using a base year to compare prices from different years, suggests bthat the best base year for each year is the previous year. This approach allows a more accurate comparison of price changes over time, because avoids inaccuracies that might be introduced by using a base year remains that may be too far removed from the years of interest. He also discusses its importance choosing the right price to include in the index figure, depending on the purpose of the figure the index. For example, when measuring changes in the general level of capital goods prices, index figures should relate only to prices and quantities of capital goods, excluding capital goods jlabor demand and the rent paid for its use. This section also suggests bthat wholesale prices are the most suitable choice for index numbers because they are more reflects the prices that consumers and businesses face every day. Besides that, pexplanations provide detailed analysis of the relative importance of different types of transactions in economics, such as real estate transactions, securities transactions, and wages, with argument that this does not significantly affect the overall price level and by therefore it does not need to be included in the index. It also discusses usage implications median as an index number for prices, implying that this is a method that practical and effective for general purposes.
The Purchasing Power of Money, its Determination and Relation to Credit, Interest and Crises, by Irving Fisher, assisted by Harry G. Brown (New York: Macmillan, 1922). New and Revised Edition.
Dalam penjelasan tersebut membahas mengenai konsep dasar ekonomi dalam Bab I yang dimulai dengan mendefinisikan Ekonomi sebagai ilmu tentang kekayaan, yaitu benda-benda materi yang dimiliki manusia. Kekayaan memiliki dua atribut penting: materialitas dan penguasaan. Kekayaan diklasifikasikan menjadi tiga jenis utama: properti nyata, komoditas, dan manusia, dengan penekanan khusus pada uang sebagai komoditas umum dalam pertukaran. Diskusi juga mencakup konsep nilai, hak milik, dan perbedaan antara stok dan aliran kekayaan, serta perbedaan antara modal dan pendapatan. Selanjutnya, penjelasan tentang persamaan pertukaran dan pengaruh uang deposito bank terhadap daya beli diuraikan dengan menyebutkan bahwa uang deposito adalah klaim kreditur terhadap bank, yang mempengaruhi persamaan pertukaran. Penjelasan ini melibatkan hubungan antara uang, deposito bank, dan harga, serta pengaruhnya terhadap stabilitas ekonomi selama periode transisi. Penulis juga menyoroti pengaruh tidak langsung faktor eksternal terhadap tingkat harga melalui volume perdagangan dan kecepatan sirkulasi uang dan deposito. Keseluruhan, buku ini memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang konsep ekonomi dasar dan peran perbankan dalam menciptakan uang, meskipun beberapa bagian terlalu teknis dan kompleks bagi pembaca tanpa latar belakang ekonomi yang kuat.
BalasHapusDalam penjelasan tersebut Irving Fisher menjelaskan bahwa daya beli uang ditentukan oleh jumlah barang lain yang dapat dibelinya dengan sejumlah uang tertentu, yang berbanding terbalik dengan tingkat harga. Fisher juga membahas persamaan pertukaran, yang menunjukkan bahwa jumlah total uang yang ditukarkan dengan barang dalam perekonomian adalah sama dengan nilai total barang. Fisher mengeksplorasi pengaruh simpanan bank terhadap persamaan pertukaran, serta kompleksitas sistem moneter yang melibatkan faktor eksternal seperti suku bunga dan krisis. Fisher membahas Hukum Gresham dan konsep bimetalik, menyoroti tantangan dan keterbatasan sistem ini serta transisi menuju standar monometalik. Fisher menjelaskan QTM, yang menyatakan bahwa tingkat harga umum berbanding lurus dengan jumlah uang beredar, dengan asumsi tingkat output riil dan kecepatan peredaran uang adalah konstan. Fisher mengenalkan konsep indeks harga untuk membandingkan harga dari tahun yang berbeda, menekankan pentingnya memilih tahun dasar yang tepat untuk perbandingan yang akurat. Fisher memberikan analisis terperinci mengenai kepentingan relatif berbagai jenis transaksi dalam perekonomian, serta implikasi penggunaan median sebagai angka indeks harga.
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapuspembahasan diatas menjelaskan tentang daya beli uang, penentuan, dan kaitannya dengan kredit, bunga, dan krisis yang disampaikan oleh Irving Fisher. Fisher memberikan penjelasan yang mendalam dan sistematis tentang konsep-konsep tersebut, mulai dari definisi primer tentang ilmu ekonomi hingga konsep daya beli uang, persamaan pertukaran, dan teori kuantitas uang. Penjelasannya yang terperinci tentang bagaimana jumlah uang beredar, kecepatan peredaran uang, dan volume perdagangan saling mempengaruhi untuk memengaruhi tingkat harga memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang dinamika ekonomi. Selain itu, Fischer juga membahas dampak faktor eksternal seperti suku bunga dan krisis terhadap jumlah uang beredar dan harga, yang memberikan wawasan yang berharga tentang kompleksitas sistem moneter dan stabilitas perekonomian. Overall, karya Irving Fisher memberikan kontribusi penting dalam pemahaman tentang mekanisme ekonomi dan dinamika pasar keuangan.
BalasHapusEsai Irving Fisher mengkaji secara menyeluruh berbagai konsep ekonomi, dimulai dengan istilah dasar seperti kekayaan dan hak milik, serta membahas perbedaan antara stok dan aliran. Dia kemudian menyelidiki daya beli uang, menekankan teori kuantitas uang dan implikasinya terhadap tingkat harga, dengan mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor seperti perubahan jumlah uang beredar, kecepatan sirkulasi, dan volume perdagangan. Fisher juga meneliti peran simpanan bank dalam persamaan pertukaran, menyoroti sifat ganda dan pengaruhnya terhadap uang. Ia mengkaji faktor eksternal seperti suku bunga dan krisis, yang secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi jumlah uang beredar dan daya beli. Lebih lanjut Fisher membahas Hukum Gresham dan relevansinya dengan daya beli uang, khususnya dalam konteks standar bimetalik. Ia membahas Teori Kuantitas Uang dan penerapannya selama masa transisi, dengan mengakui bahwa perubahan jumlah uang beredar tidak selalu menyebabkan perubahan harga yang proporsional. Selain itu, Fisher memperkenalkan konsep indeks harga dan angka indeks untuk memantau perubahan daya beli dari waktu ke waktu. Dia menekankan pentingnya memilih tahun dasar dan komponen harga yang tepat untuk membangun indeks yang akurat, dengan preferensi pada harga grosir karena mencerminkan transaksi sehari-hari.
BalasHapusSaya setuju dengan blog tersebut karena pengaruh kebijakan moneter, terutama melalui konsep Forward Guidance, terhadap sektor teknologi blockchain dan pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan tambahan yang relevan. Hal ini menggambarkan bagaimana kebijakan moneter dapat mempengaruhi berbagai aspek dalam perekonomian moneter. Tulisan ini menyajikan analisis yang mendalam tentang bagaimana perubahan dalam jumlah uang dan kecepatan peredarannya mempengaruhi tingkat harga dan daya beli uang. Konsep-konsep seperti Teori Kuantitas Uang
BalasHapusDalam tulisan karya Irving Fisher tersebut mengemukakan bahwasanya ilmu ekonomi dapat disebut sebagai ilmu kekayaan, yaitu terkait benda-benda material yang dimiliki oleh manusia. Kekayaan dibagikan menjadi 3, yaitu properti riil, komoditas dan manusia. Selanjutnya Irving Fisher membahas terkait konsep nilai, hak milik serta perbedaan antara stok dan aliran kekayaan. Selanjutnya Fisher menjelaskan terkait uang kertas yang dianggap sebagai uang, dan deposito bank yang bukan merupakan uang tetapi berfungsi sebagai penggantinya. Pembedaan ini penting untuk memahami klasifikasi barang yang lebih luas ke dalam tiga kategori: uang, simpanan mata uang (atau deposito), dan semua barang lainnya. Terdapat hubungan antara jumlah uang beredar (M) dengan jumlah simpanan di bank (M'), sehingga perubahan M memerlukan perubahan M' yang proporsional untuk menjaga rasio tetap stabil. Pada bagian QTM atau teori kuantitas uang yang menyatakan bahwa tingkat harga umum barang dan jasa berbanding lurus dengan JUB dengan asumsi tingkat output riil dan peredaran uang adalah konstan yang ditulis melalui persamaan MV=PT dimana M merupakan JUB, V merupakan kecepatan peredaran uang, P merupakan rata-rata tingkat harga dan T adalah volume dari transaksi.
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusFisher membahas konsep-konsep ekonomi dasar seperti kekayaan, hak milik, dan hubungannya dengan nilai, kapital, dan pendapatan dalam konteks ilmu ekonomi. Dia menjelaskan pentingnya kekuatan beli uang dan mengaitkannya dengan persamaan pertukaran, yang merupakan prinsip dasar dalam ekonomi, untuk memahami dampak perubahan dalam pasokan uang, kecepatan sirkulasi uang, dan volume perdagangan terhadap tingkat harga dan kekuatan beli uang. Selain itu, Fisher membahas pengaruh deposito bank dan kredit yang beredar terhadap persamaan pertukaran dan kekuatan beli uang.
BalasHapusFisher juga membahas teori kuantitas uang (QTM) yang menyatakan bahwa tingkat harga berkaitan langsung dengan pasokan uang, serta menjelaskan pentingnya indeks harga dan trade index dalam menganalisis pergerakan harga dan perdagangan secara keseluruhan. Dia menggarisbawahi kompleksitas sistem moneter, termasuk konsep-konsep seperti Hukum Gresham dan standar bimetalik, serta mengeksplorasi berbagai faktor eksternal yang memengaruhi dinamika kekuatan beli uang.
Saya setuju dengan isi daripada pernyataan tersebut. Dimana dalam blog tersebut memberikan penjelasan yang komprehensif tentang konsep-konsep dasar dalam ilmu ekonomi, terutama berkaitan dengan definisi kekayaan, hak milik, pengaruh kebijakan moneter terhadap kekuatan beli, serta teori kuantitas uang. Penjelasan yang rinci tentang konsep-konsep ini membantu pembaca untuk memahami dasar-dasar ekonomi dengan lebih baik. Selain itu, pada blog ini juga membahas pengaruh bank deposit terhadap jumlah uang yang beredar dan kekuatan beli selama periode transisi. Hal ini penting untuk dipahami karena memperlihatkan bagaimana perubahan dalam sistem moneter dapat memengaruhi harga dan stabilitas ekonomi. Selanjutnya, pada pola tersebut membahas pengaruh faktor eksternal seperti tingkat suku bunga dan krisis terhadap jumlah uang dan kekuatan beli. Pemahaman terhadap faktor-faktor eksternal ini memberikan wawasan yang lebih dalam tentang kompleksitas sistem moneter dan dampaknya terhadap harga dan stabilitas ekonomi.
BalasHapusKeseluruhan, artikel tersebut memberikan pemahaman yang baik tentang hubungan antara kebijakan moneter, jumlah uang, harga, dan kekuatan beli dalam konteks ekonomi. Penjelasan yang terperinci dan struktur artikel yang terorganisir dengan baik membuatnya menjadi bahan baca yang bermanfaat bagi siapa pun yang tertarik dalam memahami dasar-dasar ekonomi.
Buku "The Purchasing Power of Money" karya Irving Fisher membahas tentang konsep daya beli uang dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya.Secara keseluruhan, buku ini memberikan analisis yang mendalam tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi daya beli uang dan kompleksitas sistem moneter. Fisher menekankan pentingnya memahami hubungan antara berbagai faktor tersebut untuk menjaga stabilitas ekonomi.Periode transisi: Perubahan mendadak dalam jumlah uang beredar dapat menyebabkan fluktuasi harga sebelum akhirnya mencapai keseimbangan baru.Pembatasan penyesuaian harga: Beberapa harga mungkin tidak dapat menyesuaikan dengan cepat terhadap perubahan daya beli uang karena faktor seperti kontrak sebelumnya, peraturan hukum, atau kebiasaan.Pentingnya pemilihan indeks harga yang tepat: Pemilihan elemen yang tepat untuk indeks harga sangat penting untuk mendapatkan gambaran akurat tentang perubahan daya beli uang.Dengan memahami konsep-konsep yang dibahas dalam buku ini, pembaca dapat memperoleh pengetahuan yang lebih baik tentang bagaimana faktor ekonomi makro mempengaruhi nilai uang dan stabilitas ekonomi secara keseluruhan.
BalasHapusDalam tulisan karya Irving Fisher, dijelaskan bahwa ilmu ekonomi dapat disebut sebagai ilmu kekayaan, yang mencakup benda-benda material yang dimiliki manusia. Kekayaan ini dibagi menjadi tiga kategori: properti riil, komoditas, dan manusia. Fisher juga membahas konsep nilai, hak milik, serta perbedaan antara stok dan aliran kekayaan. Ia menjelaskan perbedaan antara uang kertas, yang dianggap sebagai uang, dan deposito bank, yang meskipun bukan uang secara harfiah, namun berfungsi sebagai penggantinya. Pembedaan ini penting untuk mengklasifikasikan barang dalam tiga kategori yang lebih luas: uang, simpanan mata uang (atau deposito), dan barang lainnya. Fisher juga menyoroti hubungan antara jumlah uang beredar (M) dan jumlah simpanan di bank (M'), di mana perubahan dalam M memerlukan perubahan yang proporsional dalam M' untuk menjaga rasio tetap stabil. Fisher kemudian membahas Teori Kuantitas Uang (QTM), yang menyatakan bahwa tingkat harga umum barang dan jasa berbanding lurus dengan jumlah uang beredar (M) dan kecepatan peredaran uang (V), dengan asumsi tingkat output riil dan peredaran uang adalah konstan. Ini diekspresikan dalam persamaan MV=PT, di mana M adalah jumlah uang beredar, V adalah kecepatan peredaran uang, P adalah rata-rata tingkat harga, dan T adalah volume transaksi.